History of The School
History of the School
Mater Ecclesiae College is situated at Old Isiwo Road, Igbodu Village off Molajoye Secondary School Road, Epe, Lagos State. The Church of the Assumption, Falomo acquired and fenced the 40 acres school land and built the school to contribute to the educational sector in Lagos State. It has been the desire of the parish community to respond to the need for sound moral cum academic upbringing in the younger members of society in order to better equip them for the challenges of life in today’s society. We cannot afford to have young leaders without a passion to make a positive difference in society. The pioneer students resumed on the 13th of September, 2015 with 25 students and to the glory of God, there has been a steady increase in the number of students admitted to the College, well above a hundred within a short space of time. The pioneer set of students sat for the 2018 Basic Education Certificate Examinations organized by the national and state boards and all recorded impressive results, with distinctions and credits – the fruit of their hard work and dedication. On the 9th of October, 2021 we graduated our pioneer students – Our First Fruits. To the glory of God we have received great testimonies on their progress. The 26 of them are Soaring high in their different institutions and endeavours.
Mater Ecclesiae College has the desire to be a first class institution of learning, equipped with ultra- modern facilities that enhance teaching and learning for purposeful living. Our team of experienced and passionate teachers is charged with the task of transferring knowledge and sharing ideas with the students both within and outside the classroom. Character formation is key to our understanding of education. Founded on authentic Christian principles, we are confident that any child who passes through the educational experience of our College would certainly have a reason to be grateful.

Our Mission
As a co-educational Catholic College, we fill students with the aspiration to attain the heights in academic pursuits, reverential appreciation for the sense of the sacred and love for the supremely divine as well as a strong belief in creative thinking and initiative.

Our Vision
To raise men and women of sterling character and profound integrity, imbued with sincere respect for the dignity of the human person regardless of creed, colour or class; love for learning and commitment to innovative leadership.

Our Values
We believe firmly in christian morality,politeness, hard work,responsibility, respect, courtesy and good manners.
As a co-educational Catholic College, we fill students with the aspiration to attain the heights in academic pursuits, reverential appreciation for the sense of the sacred and love for the supremely divine as well as a strong belief in creative thinking and initiative.
To raise men and women of sterling character and profound integrity, imbued with sincere respect for the dignity of the human person regardless of creed, colour or class; love for learning and commitment to innovative leadership.
We believe firmly in christian morality,politeness, hard work,responsibility, respect, courtesy and good manners.
Students are exposed to extra artificial intelligience technology provided by Robotic Center.